When moving to an apartment or home, you need to stay organized. However, the steps might be a little different than you need to take when moving to an apartment and moving to a house. Moving to an apartment Set Your Budget You need to be aware of the space that you will get in your new apartment. You need to consider the application fees, security deposits, utility connection fees and moving costs. If utilities are included, you might feel okay paying as much as 40%. You should not go over 50% of your income. Save costs Do away with the plastic. You must work with cash only. Use credit cards tends to get people in trouble. You can spend more than you have. You can set an emergency fund. Try to make space in your budget for an emergency fund to cover those unexpected expenses. Save energy. Utility bills can be expensive, mainly in the summer months. So, try making it a habit to turn lights off after you leave a room. You can set the thermostat up a few degre...